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Mom and Son in Father's Bed

Family sex, sex story, mom and me, brother and sister , bro and sis , nepali sex
Mom And Me

Before istart to tell  i want to say sorry for my dad.
mom and I started fucking when i was 15,all I thought about was fucking her on my dad’s bed,just the thought of it was such a turn on,also so very wrong,fucking my mom his wife,on the same bed they share and sleep on.
I wanted to fuck my mom for hours on it while dad was at work,I wanted to see if I could get that bed to creak while fucking my mom on it.just after my dad left for work I took out my stash of pot and twisted a nice fat one,mom was due home in a half hour,as I was hitting on that weed I was thinking about my hot blonde mom,what she wore to the office today,skirt, mom is 5/5 135 pounds,blonde wavy hair,great ass and with a great buzz and horny as hell,mom came in locked the door and said,you in the mood honey for your mom’s pussy,you bet I am,I want us to fuck mother in a certain place,I said only in the privacy of our home honey,it is mom,right on Dad’s bed.

Come on mom,let’s fuck on it,we already crossed the line behind his back,it will be so fun mom and dirty of us both,I promise to fuck you all evening mother on it if you say yes,well ok honey let’s go get busy,my kind of mother I said as she started heading towards their bedroom,I was right behind her staring at that gorgeous ass in those black polyester slacks,they were glued to it.she stripped everything off except her suntan stockings and 6 inch red heels,you want to get fucked mother I said to her as we got on my dad’s bed,I then draped her legs way back ,her red heels pointing to the ceiling,buried my 8 inches deep up into her cunt,and just pumped and pumped 
sodeep I was in her twat,just listening to my dad’s bed creak and creak over and over as I went way up into mom’s cunt,I was nice and high,horny as hell,full of lust,I loved then whispered in my ear,you like fucking your mom on your dad’s bed while he is at work,as I was so far up into her cunt,so deep on every stroke,oh God mom,I love it I replied,I fucking love it mom,I kept it pumping,I was like in a zone,just hearing my dad’s bed with that creak,creak,creak,I was so horny from the pot,just feeling the walls and juice from my mom’s cunt as I hit that cunt nice and deep,you want me to stay fucking you mom I said,you want me to fuck you all evening long on father’s bed,yes honey do it,do it,tear my cunt up like your doing,I would even look at their wedding picture and smile at my dad as I hit my mother’s cunt deep,his about life being great.i was in heaven. 
Like this everyday i i was enjoying my dad's bed


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